Nordic City Networks 20th Anniversary and New Nordic Urban Development

Nordic City Network turns 20 years old! We will celebrate this by inviting new and old member cities, as well as other friends and acquaintances, to discuss contemporary Nordic urban development.


As part of the celebration, we will revisit the publication “450 Examples of Groundbreaking Urban Development in the Nordic Countries that the network compiled in 2013-2014. In the publication, we collected the 25 projects that each member city assessed had the greatest impact on the municipality’s development. The following year, we followed up the publication with an analysis of the collected examples, resulting in 8 theses on the Nordic village model. You can find the analysis here: Nordic Cities in Transition.



Nordic urban development 10 years ago, today and in the future?

Based on the 450 examples and the 8 theses, we are now conducting a follow-up analysis exploring how the planning paradigm has changed over the past ten years and what it can tell us about the future of urban development. Have the projects had the impact we anticipated 10 years ago? If we could do them over – what would we change? And how can we use this knowledge to develop our cities moving forward?


In 2025, the network will delve into these questions through digital morning inspiration meetings and an anniversary lab in Linköping.


If you are not a member of the network but are interested in following the process, please contact the secretariat: